Sunday, September 11, 2005

Search Engine Savvy

Getting my web sights indexed was easy simply using META tags in my html code, and submitting to my WebPages through I always get a lot of junk mail in my Yahoo account after submitting through Worldwide Promoter. I have found a web sight that has been really informative on search engine optimization its There are numerous articles on optimizing your web pages to get higher rankings with Google and etc. You should really check SEOCHAT out. I really think that SEOCHAT will help my web sight at get a higher ranking, but not totally certain. Seems like there are a lot of things to consider before your web sight is totally optimized for Google.
I would really love to have the information I need to get the traffic I desire. Seems like everyone has the answer to this very question, and is always holding his or her hand out for the crankily green stuff no one seems to have. Seems like everyone, who is trying to market his or her goods on the Internet should be saying: "what’s the point, I can’t make enough money to make this worth my wild!" Another problem is that most businesses promote there business with: "Spend more time with your family, and make enough money to retire in a year", but it just doesn’t work that way for me. My wife is wondering when I will come down stairs and spend some time with her, and our dog Ginger. If you have any suggestions and are willing to share them with me, please email me at I would absolutely love to here from you. Maybe we could compare notes, or I could share what I’m doing now. I’m hoping this year is the year to really get the hits I need to my web sights.

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Chuck said...
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Chuck said...

Thanks John...

I'll have to do that. It's been a while since I check this blog, but I'm glad I did. You might want to look at my

Funniest Video Lane

I just subscribed to

Links Master

Only thing it's slow about getting search engine optimized.

Thanks again...Hope your sight is being noticed.

Donovan Baldwin said...


Thanks for dropping by my blog on internet marketing and related subjects and leaving your comment. I appreciate it.

Best of luck.

Don Baldwin

Sandi said...

Thanks for visiting my blog